The Future of Delivery

The future of delivery is a hot topic these days, with technology changing the game for companies in the logistics industry. Recently, The Delivery Prophets Podcast, based in London Waterloo, invited Tim Vasilakis, founder of The Athenian, to share his insights on this topic.

In the podcast, Tim discussed how The Athenian has adapted to the changing delivery landscape. He shared his vision of how delivery platforms could start offering an offline experience, through “Micro Market Hall” concepts, like the ones seen in California or Singapore, where not only delivery but also collection of food are available, as well as licensing of super popular brands by big delivery companies like Deliveroo and Uber Eats.

He also talked about the importance of sustainability in the delivery industry, noting that The Athenian has implemented eco-friendly packaging, a big emphasis on plant based options and works with local suppliers to reduce their carbon footprint.

Overall, Tim emphasised the need for businesses to stay agile and adaptable in the face of new challenges and opportunities in the delivery space. He also highlighted the potential for technology to revolutionise the industry, particularly in areas like last-mile delivery.

If you're interested in learning more about the future of delivery, listen to this podcast! Tim Vasilakis offers some great insights and practical tips for businesses looking to stay ahead of the curve.

Tim Vasilakis